Senior Designations for Financial Advisors
Thursday, May 9, from 3-4 p.m. EDT,the Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau is hosting a Twitter chat about “senior designations” used by financial advisers who imply that they specialize in giving advice to seniors. This twitter chat comes on the heels of the CFPB's report last month on this topic.. You can get some community service exposure, and the report might be useful in helping you guide clients toward appropriate financial advisors and steer them away from inappropriate ones.
CFPB’s directions: “Use the #SeniorMoney hashtag. You can join the conversation and help seniors by suggesting resources, answering questions, and providing moral support. You can participate wherever you are -- just watch your Twitter feed and respond to questions and comments with the hashtag #SeniorMoney. Follow us on Twitter -- we're @cfpb -- and on May 9, be ready with tips, answers, and opinions for seniors.”
May 8, 2013 | Estate Planning / Elder Law Marketing