Reconnect with clients and engage prospects during NHDD!
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) is next week! Initially conceived as a day to raise awareness of the importance of advance care planning, NHDD has blossomed to a full week: April 16-22. NHDD organizers developed daily themes to guide participants through the week. Randi Siegel's guest blog post for the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys adapts those themes for your practice so you can start the conversation in your personal life, reconnect with clients, and engage prospects.
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April 13, 2018 | NHDD (Nat'l Healthcare Decisions Day) | Comments(0)
Ask Yourself Important Questions this National Healthcare Decisions Day
Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day!
This a day to ask yourself a few very important questions:
- Do you have advance directives (healthcare power of attorney, living will, HIPAA) yet?
- Have you spoken with your appointed healthcare surrogate about your care wishes and goals should you be unable to make decisions for yourself?
- Do they and other loved ones know where you keep your directives?
- Do you have an older relative or loved one who has not yet had this conversation with you?
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April 16, 2015 | NHDD (Nat'l Healthcare Decisions Day) | Comments(4)
NHDD is April 16
“Nothing in life is certain but death and taxes,” - Benjamin Franklin
With Mr. Franklin’s words in mind, it’s only fitting that April 16, the day after “Tax Day,” is also the date of the fifth annual National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD). Founded in 2008, this grassroots initiative is committed to raising public awareness about the importance of advance directives and advance care planning. Since its inception, NHDD has gained momentum and helped keep the national spotlight on this important cause.
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April 4, 2012 | NHDD (Nat'l Healthcare Decisions Day) | Comments(0)